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Kit for Tudor braid & cord making - Tak V Bowes Departed book & silk threads

Kit for Tudor braid & cord making - Tak V Bowes Departed book & silk threads

Regular price £55.00 GBP
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Tudor Tailor exclusive!

Everything you need for a hands-on exploration of Tudor style braid and cord making!

Kit contains:

  • Tak v Bowes Departed: A 15th century braiding manual examined book by Elizabeth Benns & Gina Barrett
  • One 27yd (25m) spool of red 100% silk thread
  • One 27yd (25m) spool of white 100% silk thread
  • 10in (50cm) of strong linen thread for 'constrictor knot' and tie
  • One large safety pin for securing the loops to a fixed point whilst working
  • Historical notes

Tak v Bowes Departed is an in-depth study of Article 4, British Library Manuscript Harley 2320. This treatise, which dates to the 15th century, gives instructions for making forty different braids of varying complexity.

This 2019 reprint by Elizabeth Benns & Gina Barrett is an A5 sized paperback book, 8¼in x 5¾in (21cm x 15cm). It has 123 pages and black and white illustrations throughout.

Braids such as these were used for a variety of purposes during the medieval period: for lacing clothes and as purse strings, decorative trim and seal tags. The authors discuss the background of the original manuscript, including who may have owned it and how it was made. The book also compares the spelling and language with other similar documents.

Tak v Bowes Departed concludes with modern instructions to make each of the braids. Original errors have been corrected and noted, and each braid is clearly illustrated for reference. The instructions are provided as both text and diagrams, and include a detailed overview of the technique of 'fingerloop braiding' for those new to this skill.

Our kit provides the materials needed to make these braids yourself!

Tak v Bowes Departed is also available as a separate book without the kit contents. It is an invaluable resource for a wide audience: dress historians, costumiers, curators, re-enactors and crafters alike.

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